landmark culture research Sign Up

landmark culture research

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Join our Landmark Professional Research Project to Measure Business Impact of Workplace Culture Transformation

We are inviting 10 innovative companies to participate in an 8-month culture research project to demonstrate the business impact of an emotionally intelligent workforce and company culture.

First of its kind research project developed and managed by Veteran Senior Research Executive Tracey Castle (Lieberman Research Worldwide, Activision/Blizzard), PhD Psychologist and published Author Valerie Baker Rein along with Gretchen Fox Palmer, creator of EQ @Work and Fortune 500 and Non-Profit Sales & Marketing Executive Kim Burgan (Ticketmaster).

Imagine a workplace where every employee feels seen, heard, valued, and fully motivated to do their best. The EQ @Work program underpinning the research project empowers you to build a culture of collaboration, trust, and innovation that not only strengthens your bottom line but also sets you apart from the competition.

Our program delivers tangible, measurable outcomes, translating into increased profitability and higher employee satisfaction. By enhancing team dynamics and fostering empathy, EQ @Work significantly boosts retention rates, ensuring your top talent stays committed.

Through a gentle, supportive approach, we help uncover and address employees’ blind spots, nurturing a more caring, empathetic workforce. The result? A dynamic, motivated team ready to propel your business forward.

We will measure the new 10 Culture KPIs:

  1. Employee Emotional Management (EEM)
  2. Proficiency in Tough Conversations (PTC)
  3. Integration & Impact of Feedback (IIOF)
  4. Employee Empowerment (EE)
  5. Concern for Employee Well-Being (CEWB)
  6. Interpersonal Relationship Dynamics (IRD)
  7. Sense of Belonging (SOB)
  8. Trust in Leadership (TIL)
  9. Intent to Stay (ITS)
  10. Recommendation of Workplace Culture (RWC)

Does your company have:

  • High-Levels of Stress: Are your employees experiencing stress and burnout, lower than normal engagement rates, increased sick days, or a general sense of disengagement?
  • Challenging Culture Behaviors: Are your manager’s witnessing finger-pointing, gossiping, emotional outbursts, martyrdom, listlessness, or a general lack of motivation?
  • Leadership Concerns: Do you feel like Sisyphus, constantly pushing the ball up the hill but never making progress? Do the old methods of reward and retention seem ineffective, merely buying you time without improving attitude or productivity?
  • Commitment to Change: Are you ready to prioritize the well-being of your employees and company?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, your company is a perfect fit for this program.

Participating Companies Receive

EQ @Work Skills Training: Professionally-facilitated Peer Conversations practice for participating employees.

Exclusive Discount: Receive a 20% discount on the monthly employee subscription rate ($120 PEPM vs $149 PEPM).

Exclusive Research and Custom Data Insights: Gain valuable insights into your company’s emotional well-being,

benchmarked against the aggregate results of the trial.

Inclusion in Published Research Report

Wraparound Marketing and PR Support: Access a free marketing and PR program pre and post-participation to share your success with your company, board, and industry peers. 

Requirements to Participate:

Employee Participation: Minimum of 35 employees in the pilot program.

Program Commitment: $120 per month per employee for participation in EQ skill training and guided for 90 minutes, once a month, authentic conversations with peers for day-to-day problem-solving.

Sign-Up Deadline: August 26, 2024


Monthly Employee Calls: September 2024 – February 2025

Research Phase: March 2025

Marketing and PR Push: April 2025

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