EQ @Work: Inspirational Leaders, Teachers & Trainers

By Gretchen Fox Palmer

Discover EQ @Work

EQ @Work is a program that has been specifically developed to create healthy, high-performance cultures. The work is the culmination, integration and analysis from the lived experience of my career as a Fortune 500 entertainment and silicon valley tech executive along with ten years of organizational, leadership and small group facilitation, ICF Coach training, Trauma-informed Reflective Supervision, Equine-facilitated Learning, Somatic Movement and almost 30 years of professional and personal development work.

The list of my teachers, from certified trainers to professional researchers, thought leaders and mentors. I will never be able to remember them all or give them enough credit for inspiring, teaching and guiding me here. I am immensely grateful.

In order of inspiration, starting at 19:

EQ Skills: Self-Awareness, a beginners journey and practice: The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

EQ Skill: Emotional Regulation – Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now

Energetic and Emotional Regulation (Reiki Master) Training – Patti Penn, Pause in JOY! (also, in Heal documentary)

EQ Skills: Self-Awareness  – a bootcamp-like journey: The Presence Process

Emotional Intelligence Author: Psychologist Daniel Goleman

Conscious Capitalism, The Field Guide Authors: Raj Sisodia, Timothy Henry and Thomas Eckschmidt 

EQ Skill: Emotional Regulation & Connection, Spiritual Leader: Ram Dass

EQ Skill: Emotional Regulation, Meditation Practice, Spiritual Leader: Mooji

The Tao of Equus Author: Linda Kohanov, Eponaquest

Reflective Supervision Training: Emily Santiago, Center for Cognitive Diversity

Trauma Exposure Responses, Trauma Stewardship by Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

ICF Equine-Facilitated Learning (EFL) coach training: Lisa Murrell, Equine Alchemy

Co-Active Coaching, Author: Karen Kimsey-House, Co-Active Training Institute 

Patriarchy Stress Disorder, Author: Dr Valerie Rein

The Language of Emotions, Author: Karla McLaren

Flying Lead Change, Author: Kelly Wendorf, Equus Inspired

EQ Skill: Tough Conversations Researcher and Author: Brenê Brown, Dare to Lead

Self-transformation Somatic Teacher Training: SFactor Foundational Teacher Training

Culture, Consciousness and Realization, Podcast: Raghu Markus, Mindrolling

Plant Medicine Sitter Coach Training: Hamilton Souther, Blue Morpho Academy

Discover EQ @Work