How is YOUR Company Culture?

By Gretchen Fox Palmer, CEO of MTO Agency and Founder of the Conscious Leadership Collective

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Company culture is the invisible hand that guides the behavior, attitudes, and performance of your employees. It’s the soil in which your organization either flourishes or withers. Have you taken a moment to assess whether your workplace culture is fostering growth or stifling progress? Consider the atmosphere in your office: Are your employees overwhelmed and stressed? Is there a disconnect between stated values and everyday actions? Do you notice signs of hostility, prevalent gossip, or difficult personalities dominating the environment?

Alternatively, imagine a workplace where collaboration thrives, where employees feel valued and emotionally healthy, and where each individual can contribute to their fullest potential. This is the ideal that many leaders strive for, but achieving it requires intentional effort and continuous evaluation.

A revealing statistic published by @wired indicates that a staggering 70% of the 31,000 people surveyed struggle with the pace and volume of their work. This underscores the critical importance of assessing and cultivating a positive company culture. Ignoring these signs can lead to burnout, high turnover rates, and a toxic work environment that hampers both personal and organizational growth.

So, how can you gauge the health of your company culture? Start by engaging directly with your team. A simple yet powerful tool is a culture survey. Our team has developed a complimentary, confidential survey designed to uncover real insights into employee well-being at your company. It’s an invaluable tool for any business serious about improving its workplace environment.

Discover what your employees truly think about your culture.  Use the free survey to reveal critical insights into how your employees perceive their work environment and where improvements are needed. By addressing these issues head-on, you can foster a culture that not only attracts top talent but also retains and nurtures them.

Remember, building a thriving company culture is not a one-time effort but an ongoing journey. Regularly soliciting feedback, acting on it, and demonstrating a commitment to your employees’ well-being are key steps in this process. Make your organization a place where people are excited to come to work each day, and watch as your business reaps the rewards of a motivated and engaged workforce.

Find out what your team thinks with this Four Question Culture Survey

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