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Power to Thrive - Spring 2022 Retreat

Join us for an intimate transformational Conscious Leadership Retreat where you will learn proven methods to overcome burnout, become the purpose-filled leader your organization needs to thrive, and recharge in a scenic, revitalizing retreat.

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your org’s health depends on you.

The world has changed. Leaders need more support to lead in this new paradigm.

Great leaders know that taking time to prioritize your well-being is vital not only to your own sense of purpose and vision, but to your company’s overall long-term health. But you cannot serve from an empty cup. Get the tools you need to meet the challenges of modern leadership in in this four-day accelerated learning event that combines the proven technique of Co-Active Executive Coaching with dynamic biofeedback from human-horse interactions.

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a business trip about you:


A unique program combining a mix of Co-Active Coaching, conscious leadership sessions, equine-facilitated learning, yoga and more provide a ‘real time’ learning experience, teaching skills which can be difficult to acquire with more traditional methods.


Embark on a supportive journey of self-discovery with an intimate group of like-minded professionals, guided by trained facilitators, in a non-judgmental, results-oriented space.


Release the patterns that hold you back and tap into the transformational breakthroughs needed to reach your full leadership potential.

four days to recharge & recenter.

Reignite your passion and purpose at the upscale Blisswood Bed & Breakfast Ranch:

  • Scenic views on 350-acre lakeside ranch 
  • 2 conscious leadership sessions per day
  • What’s Mine & What’s Yours? Become more self-aware of the energy you’re bringing to your teams (plus meet the horses!)
  • Horse safety demonstration 
  • Equine-experiential learning exercises for each session 

meet your facilitators

Gretchen Fox Palmer

Jennifer K. Linn

Hannah Heilicher

A groundbreaking approach to growth

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Prioritize the health of your organization by prioritizing YOU, with a retreat built around practices that create accelerated, long-lasting transformation.

When humans share space and connect with horses, something remarkable happens: our nervous system regulates to theirs. Equine-Facilitated Learning helps to promote a shift in our consciousness to a more socio-sensual space as we allow the horses to act as mirrors. With this unique experience, we get a glimpse of what is unconscious within ourselves, guiding us to a place of true aligned and gentle leadership.

You’ll discover: 

  • Unconscious beliefs and biases holding you back
  • Gentler yet more effective communication skills
  • Boundary-setting that creates connection vs disconnection
  • Better listening skills
  • A clear pathway to growth, even in the face of uncertainty

Regular Price $4900 Register Now
Exclusive CLC member-only price$3900 Register Now